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PulmCrit: ADAPT and SCREEN trials are full of sound and fury, signifying little
I think ICU docs may have developed a bit of an RCT problem; not an addiction, but perhaps a dependency. It all started off fine at first. RCTs are the apex trial design, the only trial capable of proving causality. But we’ve taken it too far. Currently, a cluster-randomized trial is underway to study whether […]

EMCrit 389 – Massive Transfusion Update and Hemostatic Resuscitation
John Holcomb, author of the PROPPR trial, on massive transfusion in 2024

PulmCrit: How to quickly create a useful professional account in BlueSky
I discussed the reasons for migrating to BlueSky here. I’ve received positive feedback from several FOAMed expats who migrated to Bluesky and enjoy it there. I’ve also received some questions about getting started on BlueSky, so here is a brief guide to moving into MedSky. [1] Set up your account & profile This is essentially […]

EMCrit 388 – Experts’ Guide to the Bougie with Barnicle and Driver
Experts’ guide to the use of the Bougie for Emergency Airway Management

PulmCrit Wee: Why MedTwitter should move to Bluesky
Medtwitter was great. We met amazing people and exchanged ideas. There were endless arguments about electrolytes and intubation. But the strength of Medtwitter was never the platform – it was the people. Twitter has been deteriorating for years. For example, the algorithm is horrific, the blocking feature has been largely removed, posts from paid users […]

EMCrit 387 – Emergency Department Charting for Legal Protection and Patient Safety
Chart to protect yourself and your patients!

EMCrit 386 – Liver I – Fulminant Acute Liver Failure (ALF) with Tasneem Pirani
All things acute liver failure with a GI Intensivist

EMCrit 385 – Eye Trauma I – Retrobulbar Hematoma, Orbital Compartment Syndrome, and Paracanthal Decompressions
When you need to temporize orbital compartment syndrome, there is markedly easier way than Lateral Cantholysis

EMCrit 384 – Did this Really Just HAPPEN? – The HAPPEN Trial Hot Take – NIPPV for COPD

CV-EMCrit – MCS Minute Series: Differential Gas Exchange on Peripheral Femoral VA ECMO with Trina
There is more than one form of differential gas exchange on VA ECMO–remember differential ventilation!

EMCrit 383 – The Ultrasound Hierarchy of Needs in Cardiac Arrest with Mike Prats
Learn about how to use ultrasound during cardiac arrest
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