Switched to Todoist
- Todoist Summary
- Integration with Gcal
- IFTTT and Zapier
Massive Action Planning by Tony Robbins
- Write down the results you want to achieve. (be specific, quantitate if possible)
- Write down your purpose (compelling reasons why you want to accomplish this goal–use trigger words, emotion)
- Develop a sequence of priority actions.
or as Carl Pullein discusses, OPA:
Outcome, Purpose, Actions
Inboxes are Deadly
Prune, prune, prune
Use email inbox for everything (shortcut/workflow on ios & boomerang on firefox)
Inbox Zero
Subconscious Cognitive Bandwidth
It is not the time, it is the weight
If anything you do is:
1. Fiddly &
2. Infrequent
Make a checklist
Directly Responsible Person (DRI)
Who is the the DRI directly responsible individual from Jobs/Apple
Problem for Future Homer
Why we don't care about our future selves
Now on to the Podcast…
Latest posts by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM (see all)
- EMCrit Wee (392.5) – Naughty or Nice? Bad Behavior in Healthcare with Liz Crowe, PhD - January 15, 2025
- EMCrit 392 – All Things Defibrillation with Sheldon Cheskes - January 10, 2025
- EMCrit 391 – Pericardiocentesis and Tamponade Temporization - December 27, 2024
Well now you’re scaring me.
It sounds like you aren’t planning to do any more EMCRIT Conferences!
The checklist idea is very compelling, do you have any more information about how you store your checklists and dig them up when you need them Scott (or anyone else who does this)? I’ve looked around at various checklist apps and sites but none seem very suited to critical care. This sort of thing seems like something that would work very well as a collaborative approach as well.
I have one main checkliat for writing the daily report. I’ve written it myself, two columns in Microsoft Word, and I store one copy on Dropbox. Whenever I work at a new place, or a place I rarely visit, I load it down and am ready to work. MY TOP ADVICE for checklists: Don’t let a big organisastion write it for you. We used to work multiple computers to run several realtime, remote simulations and planning — in an office. And our boss came with a check list he demanded that we followed. In the top of that list was… Read more »
What do you use for your daily reading and podcast delivery? I am looking for a unified source to merge journal releases, non-medical articles, and podcasts that I read daily. Any luck on the front?
overcast for podcasts, feedly for RSS, journal TOCs go straight to email
Good 2019 Update, show that GTD is very flexible. Thanks for sharing.
At Zenkit, we created our own free online tool along with an article on teamwork, would love to have your opinion: https://zenkit.com/en/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-getting-things-done/
Several of your posts do not have the link to your recording.