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Scott Weingart, MD FCCM. Two New Videos from Jim DuCanto. EMCrit Blog. Published on May 26, 2012. Accessed on February 14th 2025. Available at [ ].
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The course director, Dr. Scott D. Weingart MD FCCM, reports no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. This episode’s speaker(s) report no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies unless listed above.
CME Review
Original Release: May 26, 2012
Date of Most Recent Review: Jul 1, 2024
Termination Date: Jul 1, 2027
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This Post was by the EMCrit Crew, published 13 years ago. We never spam; we hate spammers! Spammers probably work for the Joint Commission.
So does he leave the LMA in and then the ET tube is more distal? Looks really cool.
This LMA is the Air-Q, and it was built from the ground up as a tracheal tube introducer, sort of the way 9 french introducers were made for Swan Ganz catheters. A standard length tracheal does the job nicely through the Air-Q. This is a staged intubation, using the Air-Q as both a ventilatory tool as well as a tracheal tube introducer. Blind intubation is possible through the Air-Q, but it has a lower success rate than the Fastrack. Optical stylets work so well through the Air-Q–you don’t need a flexible. Consider this video a demo for anesthesiologists/CRNA’s that do… Read more »
there are alot of failed intubation cases with air Q either reusable or disposable