a unique ventilatory mode unfortunately only available on Hamilton vents
EMCrit 365 – Setting PEEP and Righting the Right Ventricle in ARDS with Matt Siuba
Setting PEEP and Righting the RV in ARDS with Matt Siuba
EMCrit 111 – Dominating the Vent: Part II
When I was a resident, every vent lecture either put me to sleep or left me dazed and bewildered. I gave a lecture of that ilk when I started working after fellowship–I had become part of the problem. I decided there must be a way to make vent management more understandable and if not interesting, at least bearable.
EMCrit 64 – Dominating the Vent: Part I
When I was a resident, every vent lecture either put me to sleep or left me dazed and bewildered. I gave a lecture of that ilk when I started working after fellowship–I had become part of the problem. I decided there must be a way to make vent management more understandable and if not interesting, at least bearable.
EMCrit 19 – Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV)
Intubation is a sexy procedure, there is no doubt about it.
NIV does not have the glamour; it’s not nearly as cinematic. But for the patient, to spend 30 minutes on a NIV mask is preferable to a couple of days on the ventilator. In this episode, I discuss some of the basic ideas and methods of NIV.
EMCrit 16 – Coding Asthmatic, DOPES and Finger Thoracostomy
DOPES will save your butt on crashing vent pts