A meandering conversation on end-of-life palliative care conversations
EMCrit 276 – The Rapid Code Status Conversation with Kei Ouchi
Rapid Code Status Conversations are essential to render proper and compassionate care…
EMCrit 165 – The Semantics of End of Life Discussions with Ashley Shreves
How to have an end of life conversation in the ED
EMCrit 93 – Critical Care Palliation with Ashley Shreves
One of the best palliative care lectures I have ever heard.
EMCrit 25 – End of Life and Palliative Care in the ED
Aggressive palliative care is just as important as aggressive critical care in the ED. Sometimes we will be the first physicians to talk to a family about end of life issues, even if their loved one is terminally ill. Now that is not how it should be, but it just means that we must be just as skilled at family palliative care discussions as we are at floating a transvenous pacer. In this podcast, I discuss my vision of how to handle palliative care issues in the ED.