The first version of the first guideline in the foundational stabilization project – post-intubation sedation
EMCrit 115 – A New Paradigm for Post-Intubation Pain, Agitation, and Delirium (PAD)
What you do in the ED for post-intubation sedation will determine whether your patient lives or dies
EMCrit 84 – The Post-Intubation Package
There is a ton of stuff to do post-intubation besides confirming the tube and giving the team high-fives. What we do in the ED has ramifications on the patient’s course in the hospital.
EMCrit 21 – A Bad Sedation Package Leaves your Patient Trapped in a Nightmare
Pushing some ativan followed by vecuronium is no longer an acceptable strategy to manage post-intubation sedation. A good analgesia and sedation package is essential if you care about your patient’s comfort and well-being. We need to move to PAIN-FIRST paradigm. Optimize analgesia and then add in sedative agents as a bonus. In this episode of the EMCrit Podcast, I expand on a previous rant to discuss the optimal way to handle routine post-intubation patients and some special scenarios you may encounter.
EMCrit 7 – Sedation Tirade
A brief PAD diatribe