- Epidemiology
- Symptoms
- Physical examination (including POCUS)
- Laboratory studies
- Chest radiograph
- Clinical approach to the diagnosis
- Radiologic approach
- Treatment
- Prognosis
- Related topics
- Questions & discussion
typical epidemiology of aortic dissection
- Older age (typically ~50s-70s).
- Type A dissection is more common in the ~50s-60s.
- Type B dissection is more common in the ~60s-70s. (Sadhu 2023)
- Male predominance.
- History of hypertension (70%).
risk factors for dissection (especially among younger patients)
- Structural abnormality of the aorta or aortic valve:
- Aortic aneurysm.
- Bicuspid aortic valve.
- Aortic coarctation.
- Supravalvular aortic stenosis.
- Turner syndrome, Noonan syndrome.
- Sympathomimetic use (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine).
- Pregnancy & postpartum period (especially third trimester 3️⃣).
- Iatrogenic:
- Cardiac catheterization (often distal, type B dissection). (Griffin 2022)
- IABP (intra-aortic balloon pump).
- TAVR (transcutaneous aortic valve replacement).
- Cardiac surgery (often proximal dissection).
- Weak connective tissue:
- Marfan syndrome
- Marfan syndrome carries a 5% risk of aortic dissection.
- Among aortic dissection patients <40 years old, about half have Marfan syndrome. (Vincent 2024, 34849689)
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type IV.
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
- Polycystic kidney disease.
- Family history of aortic disease.
- Marfan syndrome
- Vasculitis:
- Takayasu arteritis.
- GCA (giant cell arteritis).
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Syphilitic aortitis.
- Behcet disease.
- Polyarteritis nodosa.
pain (95%)
- [1] Abrupt onset in 85% (+LR 2.6). (38983974)
- Pain is often most severe at onset (unlike angina, which may have a more crescendo onset). (34849689)
- [2] Tearing or ripping pain in 30-40% (+LR 10). (38983974)
- [3] Migratory pain in ~15% (+LR 7.6). (38983974)
- [4] Severe pain in 90%.
- Pain location may involve the chest, back, and/or abdomen: (Brown 2022)
- Type A dissection: chest pain ~80%, back pain ~50%, abdominal pain ~20%.
- Type B dissection: chest pain ~60%, back pain ~60%, abdominal pain ~40%.
- Chest pain may radiate to the back or epigastrium.
- Painless dissection is rare but may be more likely among patients with older age, diabetes, aortic aneurysm, recent cardiac surgery, or altered consciousness. (Brown 2022)
syncope (~5-10%)
- The causes of syncope mirror the causes of aortic dissection with hypotension (discussed below ⚡️).
- Syncope occurs in 19% of type A dissection, compared to 3% of type B dissection. (Gaggin 2021)
ischemic manifestations
- Neurologic symptoms (~20%):
- Ischemic stroke in ~5% (mechanisms include large-vessel occlusion or thrombus embolism from dissection).
- Transverse myelitis from spinal artery occlusion.
- Paraplegia due to peripheral nerve ischemia (can mimic transverse myelitis, but prognosis is better). (Tubarco 2021)
- Horner syndrome may occur (due to compression of sympathetic nerves within the carotid sheath if dissection extends into the carotid artery). 📖
- Myocardial infarction (7% of patients). 34849689
- Mesenteric ischemia (abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea).
- Limb ischemia (~30%).
traditional physical examination
- Hypertension is common (especially type B dissection).
- Hypotension may also occur, including shock (especially type A dissection). ⚡️
BP differential
- >20 mm BP difference between arms is generally used as a cutoff.
- Specificity is poor: 20% of normal people may have a >20 mm BP deviation. (38983974)
- The gross absence of a pulse is less sensitive but more worrisome.
other findings on traditional physical exam
- Focal neurologic deficits.
- Cool or ischemic limb.
- Potential findings include the following. Overall, echocardiology has reasonable sensitivity for Stanford A dissections but will miss Stanford B dissections.
- Aortic regurgitation? (Occurs in ~60% of Type A dissections). (Sadhu 2023)
- Dilated aortic root? (Defined based on aortic outflow tract diameter; see section below.)
- Dissection flap seen?
- Pericardial effusion +/- tamponade?
- Bicuspid aortic valve?
SPEED protocol (Sonographic Protocol for Emergently Evaluating Dissection)
- 🏎️ The SPEED protocol is designed for rapid evaluation of aortic dissection based on the following three features. In one study, it had a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 91%. (38010071)
- [1] Pericardial effusion (on parasternal long view).
- [2] Aortic outflow tract diameter >35 mm (measured from inner wall to inner wall, within 20 mm of the aortic annulus at end-diastole as shown below).
- The normal aortic outflow tract diameter is 24-40 mm, so some patients with measurements >35 mm may be normal. This cutoff is designed to improve sensitivity rather than specificity.
- Aortic outflow tract diameter >35 mm is sensitive for type A dissection, but it is also found in 8% of normal patients. (38010071)
- [3] Intimal flap (including transverse and sagittal scans of the abdominal aorta using a curvilinear transducer from the diaphragmatic hiatus to the bifurcation into the common iliac arteries). (38010071)
additional POCUS findings may include
- Dissection flap in other arteries (e.g., carotid, femoral, subclavian).
- Free fluid in the abdomen and/or left pleural effusion (rarely seen, reflective of aortic rupture).
- A normal D-dimer has a negative predictive value of ~95% for aortic dissection. (Sadhu 2023)
- If there is a high index of suspicion for aortic dissection, imaging shouldn't be delayed to obtain a D-dimer.
- An aortic dissection score of 0-1 plus a normal D-dimer argues against a diagnosis of aortic dissection (with a sensitivity up to ~98%). (29030346)
- ⚠️ Note that D-dimer will not be elevated in patients with intramural hematoma or penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer (discussed further below ⚡️). (Sadhu 2023)
- Elevated D-dimer is nonspecific. Further discussion of the D-dimer test: 📖
labs to evaluate for complications of dissection
- Hemorrhage.
- Rhabdomyolysis (creatine kinase).
- Renal failure (creatinine).
- Bowel ischemia (lactate).
most common findings
- Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).
- Nonspecific changes.
- ~2% of patients with aortic dissection have OMI.
- The right coronary artery (RCA) is more often involved. However, the left main coronary artery may also be involved (but such patients may not survive long enough to be diagnosed).
- Stress may cause NOMI, even if dissection doesn't involve the coronaries.
mediastinal widening
- Sensitivity is limited (perhaps ~60%).
- >6-8 cm is considered wide.
- A comparison with a prior chest radiograph may help improve performance. (38983974)
- Tracheal deviation to the right may be seen.
aortic contour
- The aortic knob may be irregular, widened, or there may be a double aortic shadow. (39078908)
- Rarely, displacement of aortic calcification towards the middle of the aorta (>5 mm from the wall) may serve as a clue suggesting dissection.
left-sided pleural effusion
- Left-sided pleural effusion may rarely be seen.
- Causes of pleural effusion may include:
- Hemothorax is due to a rupture of the aorta into the left pleura.
- Exudative effusion due to inflammation. (34849689)
[1] when to consider aortic dissection?
- Pain (chest, abdomen, or back).
- Syncope.
- Ischemia (CNS, mesenteric, myocardial, or limb).
[2] aortic dissection risk score 🧮
calculation of the aortic dissection risk score
- 1 point for any high-risk condition:
- Marfan syndrome or other heritable aortic diseases.
- Family history of aortic disease.
- Known aortic valve disease.
- Recent aortic manipulation (surgery or catheterization).
- Known thoracic aortic aneurysm.
- 1 point for chest, back, or abdominal pain that is:
- Abrupt onset.
- Severe intensity.
- Ripping or tearing quality.
- 1 point for any high-risk exam feature:
- Pulse deficit.
- Systolic Bp differential (>20 mm).
- Focal neurological deficit (plus pain).
- New aortic insufficiency murmur (plus pain).
- Hypotension/shock.
interpretation of the aortic dissection risk score
- 0 = Low risk.
- 1 = Intermediate risk.
- 2-3 = High risk ➡️ Obtain immediate imaging (e.g., CT angiography).
[3] further evaluation to risk of 0-1
Carefully consider the epidemiological risk factors and historical clues for dissection to refine your pre-test probability. Note that the aortic risk score doesn't include every potential finding that might be important. Management depends on whether you actually think the patient really might have a dissection or whether you're just trying to rule it out:
[3a] If you do have a strong clinical concern for dissection
- Obtain a STAT CT angiogram.
[3b] If you don't have a strong clinical concern for dissection
- Obtain additional testing:
- If the D-dimer is normal and the SPEED protocol POCUS is negative, dissection has been excluded.
- If the D-dimer is elevated and/or the SPEED protocol POCUS is positive, further investigation is necessary (usually CT angiography).
CT angiography (CTA) 🏆
- CT angiography of the aorta is generally the diagnostic test of choice.
- Advantages include:
- Rapidly.
- Widely available.
- High sensitivity.
- Allows for operative planning (e.g., allowing definition of the extent of dissection and which vessels are involved).
- Evaluates other organs for acute pathology.
- Electrocardiogram-gated CTA may improve resolution at the aortic base, with a sensitivity approaching 100%. (36640801)
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
- Advantages:
- Evaluation of valvular function.
- Evaluation of ventricular function.
- Portable.
- Disadvantages:
- Logistically challenging in most contexts.
- TEE is an invasive procedure that requires procedural sedation, which may be perilous (spikes in blood pressure could precipitate aortic rupture).
- TEE doesn't allow evaluation of the ascending aorta at the level of the bronchi or the abdominal aorta.
- TEE cannot evaluate all the great vessels.
- Difficulty diagnosing intramural hematoma. (Griffin 2022)
MR angiography (MRA)
- Advantage: Excellent resolution of aorta and branch vessels.
- Disadvantages:
- Logistical nightmare (usually not an option for emergent evaluation).
- Contraindicated in patients with metallic implants.
- Role?
- MRA is rarely helpful in an emergency context.
- MRA may be utilized in rare situations where the diagnosis remains unclear after CT scan. (Schmidt 2024)
clinical targets
- [1] SBP (systolic Bp) ~100-120 mm. (Tubaro 2021, 36640801, 39078908)
- ⚠️ Measure Bp using the limb with the highest blood pressure (some limbs may have occluded arteries).
- [2] Heart rate ~60-70 b/m.
- ⚠️ Patients with severe aortic regurgitation may require a higher heart rate. (Schmidt 2024) In the context of aortic regurgitation, a slow heart rate leads to increased diastolic time, and blood spends more time regurgitating.
- [3] Adequate end-organ perfusion:
- Intact mental status.
- Adequate urine output.
- Hemodynamic targets may need to be personalized based on chronic baseline blood pressure and organ perfusion.
- [4] Absence of pain: persistent pain may suggest ongoing dissection due to inadequate medical therapy.
(#1) Analgesia
- Immediately ensure that pain is controlled (e.g., using titrated doses of IV fentanyl).
- Pain control itself will often lead to a prompt improvement in blood pressure.
(#2) beta-blocker or diltiazem for target heart rate ~60-70 b/m
agent selection
- This often depends on which agents are most readily available.
- Esmolol may be preferred due to titratability.
- Labetalol causes a greater reduction in blood pressure as compared to most other beta-blockers, so labetalol could be helpful in patients with severe hypertension.
- Metoprolol causes less reduction in blood pressure, so it could be helpful in patients with predominantly tachycardia (with normal blood pressure or mild hypertension).
- Diltiazem could be utilized if beta-blockers are contraindicated (e.g., acute cocaine intoxication).
esmolol infusion 💉
- Esmolol has an onset of 1-2 minutes and a duration of action of 10-30 minutes.
- Dosing:
- Loading dose = 0.5 mg/kg.
- Start infusion at 50 mcg/kg/min.
- For inadequate effect, re-load (0.5 mg/kg) and increase infusion by 50 mcg/kg/min. Up-titrate as needed to a max dose of 200 mcg/kg/min.
labetalol 💉
- Labetalol has an onset of 5-10 minutes and a duration of action of 3-6 hours.
- Labetalol has some advantages:
- Labetalol is often more readily available.
- Labetalol is an alpha-beta blocker, so it reduces blood pressure more than most other beta-blockers. This may be useful for patients with severe hypertension.
- Dosing:
- Start with sequential pushes of 20mg, 40mg, 80mg, 80mg, and 80mg (q10 min PRN).
- The effective dose may repeated PRN.
metoprolol 💉
- Metoprolol has an onset of ~5 minutes and a duration of action of several hours.
- Metoprolol has some advantages:
- Often more readily available.
- It may allow for control of heart rate without causing a substantial reduction in blood pressure (for a patient with tachycardia but only mild hypertension).
- Dosing:
- Usually, start with 5 mg IV, which should take effect within ~5 minutes.
- Additional doses may be given every 5 minutes, titrating to effect.
- Generally, no more than 15 mg total will be used initially.
- Repeat dosing may be provided every 3-6 hours. (Sadhu 2023)
- Indications for diltiazem:
- Sympathomimetic intoxication.
- Severe asthma.
- Initial bolus of 0.25 mg/kg over two minutes.
- Subsequent infusion of 5-20 mg/hr.
(#3) vasodilator to target SBP < ~120 mm
- Clevidipine 💉 is generally ideal but not widely available.
- Nicardipine 💉 is another excellent option.
(#4) transition to oral antihypertensives
- After about a day, oral antihypertensives may be introduced to facilitate weaning off intravenous antihypertensives.
- Beta-blockers are the cornerstone of chronic therapy. (Schmidt 2024) Intravenous beta-blockers may be transitioned to oral beta-blockers (e.g., metoprolol or labetalol).
- Intravenous calcium channel blockers may be transitioned to oral calcium channel blockers (e.g., nifedipine-XR).
🚨 This is highly worrisome since most patients should be hypertensive. Hypotension occurs in up to 25% of patients with type A dissection but only <5% of patients with type B dissection. (38983974)
differential diagnosis includes
- [1] Severe aortic regurgitation.
- [2] Hemopericardium with tamponade (note: acute tamponade can occur with low-volume effusions).
- Tamponade from a chronic disease process (e.g., malignancy) may present with massive effusions due to gradual stretching of the pericardium. In contrast, acute bleeding into the pericardium can cause tamponade with a relatively unimpressive effusion (because the pericardium has had no time to stretch open).
- [3] OMI due to occlusion of one of the right coronary artery (more often) or left main coronary.
- [4] Hemorrhage (e.g., ruptured aorta into left pleural space).
- [5] Pseudohypotension (falsely low Bp due to occlusion of limb artery by dissection flap).
- [6] Mesenteric ischemia.
- Check BP in all extremities to exclude pseudohypertension.
- Bedside echocardiography.
- EKG to evaluate for occlusive MI.
- Most of these patients will require immediate surgery.
- Resuscitation with crystalloid or blood may be helpful for patients with hemorrhage or tamponade.
- Vasopressor infusion (e.g., norepinephrine) may help maintain adequate blood pressure. However, avoid hypertension or tachycardia (e.g., optimal heart rate of 60-80 b/m and MAP of ~65 mm).
- Tamponade can be temporized with pericardiocentesis if there is a delay in transfer to the operating room and the patient is actively dying. Blood may re-accumulate, so leaving a catheter in the pericardium may be ideal. If the pericardium is drained, be careful about rebound hypertension, which may promote worsening of the aortic dissection. (36640801)
- ⚠️ If echocardiography shows a clot in the pericardium, bedside drainage with a needle/catheter is impossible.
classification systems
- Stanford:
- Type A = Involves the Ascending aorta +/- descending aorta.
- Type B = Doesn't involve the ascending aorta (restricted to the descending aorta).
- Society of Thoracic Surgeons: The Stanford system was modified, delineating the precise areas of the aorta involved (figure above).
- DeBakey:
- Type I = Starts in ascending aorta, propagates into descending & abdominal aorta.
- Type II = Confined to ascending aorta.
- Type IIIa = Confined to descending thoracic aorta.
- Type IIIb = Involves descending aorta, extending into the abdominal aorta.
indications for intervention (surgery or endovascular)
- Sanford type A dissection (involvement of aorta proximal to the left subclavian).
- A preoperative coronary angiogram usually isn't done (as it causes an unnecessary delay). (Gaggin 2021)
- Stanford type B dissection with complications:
- Aortic rupture (e.g., hemothorax, peri-aortic hematomas).
- The aorta expands with threatened rupture.
- Occlusion of major arteries (e.g., mesenteric or limb ischemia).
- Refractory pain. (Sadhu 2023)
- Refractory hypertension.
- Patients who are initially managed medically require close monitoring for the development of complications that could require intervention.
- Cardiothoracic and/or vascular surgery should always be involved in determining the timing and selection of intervention(s).
Stanford Type A dissection
- Following surgery, 14-day mortality is 20% with surgery.
- Without surgery, 14-day mortality is 50%. (Tubarco 2021)
Stanford Type B dissection
- Uncomplicated dissection that only requires medical management: 14-day mortality is <10%.
- Complicated Type B dissection requiring endovascular repair: 14-day mortality is ~30%. (Tubarco 2021)
- Classification of aortic dissection based on time after symptoms:
- Acute aortic dissection: <2 weeks.
- Subacute aortic dissection: 2 weeks – 3 months.
- Chronic aortic dissection: > 3 months.
- (American guidelines utilize six weeks as a cutoff between subacute and chronic dissection, whereas European guidelines use 90 days). (Vincent 2024)
- Without therapy, 70% of patients will die within the first two weeks. (Brown 2022) If a patient presents who has already survived for >2 weeks without therapy, this reduces the likelihood that they will deteriorate.
- Surgery may not be required, even for an ascending dissection.
- Potential indications for surgery may include:
- Recurrent pain.
- Aneurysm formation.
- Retrograde dissection extension to a proximal extent. (Griffin 2022)
- Serial CT angiography may be helpful in surveilling disease progression that could require intervention.
basics of intramuscular hematoma (IMH)
- Intramural hematoma is a hematoma within the wall of the aorta due to either:
- (a) Rupture of the aortic vasa vasorum (small arteries coursing through the wall of the aorta).
- (b) Evolution of a penetrating aortic ulcer (discussed below).
- (c) Tiny dissection of the aorta, which subsequently seals itself (so the intimal tear is invisible).
- IMH is diagnosed in roughly ~15% of patients who are initially thought to have an aortic dissection. (Tubarco 2021)
- IMH usually has a more benign course than aortic dissection, but it isn't benign (Type A intramural hematoma carries ~30% in-hospital mortality). (35029783) Potential complications of IMH include:
- Extension into the aortic lumen leads to an aortic dissection. This may occur in roughly a third of patients with intramural hematoma within the ascending aorta. (Brown 2022; Sadhu 2023)
- Aortic rupture and hemorrhage due to extension beyond the aorta. IMH are often located in the outer media near the adventitia so that they may have a greater tendency for rupture (compared to aortic dissection). (Mayo 5e)
- Development of aortic aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm.
basics of penetrating aortic ulcer (PAU)
- Penetrating aortic ulcer (PAU) occurs when an atheromatous plaque erodes into the aortic media. The plaque generally prevents the ulcer from propagating along the vessel (as in a classical dissection).
- PAU is usually found in the mid-to-distal descending thoracic aorta due to the high rate of atherosclerosis at that location. (Griffin 2021)
- PAU usually occurs in older patients with extensive atherosclerotic disease. PAU is rare, accounting for only ~5% of acute aortic syndromes. (35029783)
- Potential complications may include:
- Formation of an intramuscular hematoma.
- Development of a pseudoaneurysm or true saccular aneurysm.
- Aortic rupture. (Griffin 2022)
- Aortic dissection can occur.
clinical presentation
- Presentation is often similar to an aortic dissection (e.g., sudden-onset, severe pain in the chest and/or back).
- Pertinent differences compared to patients with aortic dissection:
- Pain doesn't migrate over time.
- There aren't symptoms due to vascular occlusion (e.g., stroke, limb ischemia).
- Management is overall very similar to the treatment of acute aortic dissection as explored above.
- Anti-impulse therapy should be utilized to control tachycardia and blood pressure (as described above ⚡️).
- Surgery should be consulted. Surgery may be indicated, especially for:
- Larger lesions.
- Involvement of the ascending aorta, especially intramuscular hematoma involving the ascending aorta (some sources recommend treatment of intramuscular hematoma similarly to aortic dissection). (35029783)
- Enlargement over time; saccular aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm; impending rupture.
- Persistent pain.
- Serial imaging can help detect progression that may warrant intervention (e.g., endovascular stent insertion).
To keep this page small and fast, questions & discussion about this post can be found on another page here.
Guide to emoji hyperlinks
- = Link to online calculator.
- = Link to Medscape monograph about a drug.
- = Link to IBCC section about a drug.
- = Link to IBCC section covering that topic.
- = Link to FOAMed site with related information.
- 📄 = Link to open-access journal article.
- = Link to supplemental media.
- 34849689 King RW, Bonaca MP. Acute aortic syndromes: a review of what we know and future considerations. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2021 Dec 18;10(10):1197-1203. doi: 10.1093/ehjacc/zuab106 [PubMed]
- Griffin BP, Kapadia SR, and Menon V. The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review. (2022). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- 35029783 Sorber R, Hicks CW. Diagnosis and Management of Acute Aortic Syndromes: Dissection, Penetrating Aortic Ulcer, and Intramural Hematoma. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2022 Mar;24(3):209-216. doi: 10.1007/s11886-022-01642-3 [PubMed]
- 36640801 Carrel T, Sundt TM 3rd, von Kodolitsch Y, Czerny M. Acute aortic dissection. Lancet. 2023 Mar 4;401(10378):773-788. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01970-5 [PubMed]
- 38983974 Briggs B, Cline D. Diagnosing aortic dissection: A review of this elusive, lethal diagnosis. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024 Jul 8;5(4):e13225. doi: 10.1002/emp2.13225 [PubMed]
- 39078908 Kesieme EB, Iruolagbe CO, Ngaage DL. Recognition and initial management of acute aortic dissection. Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2024 Jul 30;85(7):1-12. doi: 10.12968/hmed.2024.0004 [PubMed]