Cite this post as:
Pendell Meyers. EMCrit – Overdiagnosis of uncomplicated pericarditis often leads to more harm than good. EMCrit Blog. Published on May 24, 2019. Accessed on February 13th 2025. Available at [ ].
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The course director, Dr. Scott D. Weingart MD FCCM, reports no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. This episode’s speaker(s) report no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies unless listed above.
CME Review
Original Release: May 24, 2019
Date of Most Recent Review: Jul 1, 2024
Termination Date: Jul 1, 2027
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This Post was by the EMCrit Crew, published 6 years ago. We never spam; we hate spammers! Spammers probably work for the Joint Commission.
This is click bait. Author is digging deep in an attempt to force generate a “hot take” FOAMed topic. How was this even published? Rock bottom for sure.
I would be happy to discuss specific ideas you have about the content of the article. If it is the title of the article you have a problem with, rest assured that I have changed it to better reflect the content of the article.
I am not sure who you are or what your specialty is. I am glad you are reading the blog. You are certainly welcome to your opinion re: anything on the site. However, these comments are very close to offensive and not the type we foster on this site. Please try to express these legitimate opinions in a polite and constructive manner.
I wrote this post last month. Planning to use it in situations such as this
Chris have a read
Thanks to feedback I changed the title of the post to better focus upon my intended message.
Hello, I just stumbled upon this excellent post. can you please help me? I am on colchicine and ibuprofen for vaccine induced pericarditis, it’s day 21 of my chest pain, day 9 of colchicine and ibuprofen, before that I was on naproxen but didn’t improve so treatment was adjusted. I am still in excruciating pain, I am better when I take ibuprofen but the pain comes back as soon as the drug wears off. My pain is mainly at the left side of the chest under the breast and around the breast, that area , also near the sternum, it… Read more »
@Mitra: Your situation seems almost identical to mine, exactly as you described, except not severe enough to keep me bed ridden, and I have not been to the doctor yet. It started after the second dose of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. I have a history of costochondritis, so I wonder if that is what both you and I may be experiencing if it’s not pericarditis.
Just a brief update here. I finally saw a doctor about this. Symptom is intermittent dull pain around the left breast and sternum, mostly at night, and not particularly severe. Chest X-ray normal, COVID negative. Despite symptoms starting shortly after the COVID vaccine (and lasting over 2 months now), what I was told is that for me this is likely a costochondritis flare-up. So, take it for what it’s worth.