Thanks for joining me on the wild ride of these first 100 episodes!
This was the opening lecture of SMACC 2013. Chris Nickson assigned me the lecture: What is the essence of critical care? In ruminating on that topic what I really came to is the essence of this blog and podcast.
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- EMCrit 393 – CV-EMCrit – Inotrope Basics Part 1 - January 25, 2025
Hey Scott..
this was one of your best vodcasts.. jus love it !! amazing work…
thanks Lakshay
Emergency medicine is more Critical care
than Critical care itself.I am in total agreement with you and manage to train Hybrid nurses
who are Emergency Critical Care nurses in our department.Now the concern is, are they giving the down stairs care upstairs ?
Love your presentation and is very proud to be a part of the Network.
Thanks for building the next generation!
Loved this when it first live streamed from SMACC13. Glad that it is on-line now. Proof that the lecture can be alive and well!
Thanks Brother
Thanks for this, Scott. I’ve never had anyone so eloquently put into words why we need EM-CC (or just more resuscitationsists) in this country. I’ll be trotting out some of your thoughts a great deal this week as I graduate residency and prepare to go onto my fellowship. The biggest question I’ve got over the last year is: why bother with CC when you can go and get a great job in EM somewhere. Something like: “Why are you wasting more of your time in training?”, especially when I already spent 5 years in a combined residency. I’ve been trying… Read more »
Thanks Matt and good luck with fellowship.
Great talk Scott!
It really helped put to rest my uneasiness with signing on for my critical care fellowship. I have a feeling that I’ll be watching this a few times in the call room when things get tough…
Thank you,
Dr Weingart,
That was one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen, keep up the great work!!
Thanks, Jeff!
Great talk. The intro of no one assuming responsibility for a patient seems less about upstairs care downstairs versus providers being too lazy and myopic to do their job. I’m EM-only trained but wouldnt set foot in my shop if I couldnt manage critical patients for as long as a period of time as they were in my care. Whether trained in EM, CC, or both, any “title” doesn’t preclude a lack of professionalism or competency.
…just watched this VodCast. A great epitomization of what we do every day.
Nice podcast but I want to clarify a statement made about Houston and not doing critical care. This by no means represents all emergency departments in Houston. The main hospital at our program, Memorial Hermann Hospital, also the busiest level one trauma center does plenty of critical care in the ED. We have a 45% admission rate and an 11% critical care admission rate. We are generally expected to do the all of the resuscitation, EGDT, procedures (CVC, A.line, ETT, chest tube), stabilization necessary before going to the ICU. Even over my three years as a resident, there has been… Read more »
Great addition Justin; sounds like you folks are doing it right. I know of at least 3 other EDs in the Houston area that are also kicking ass at critical care in the ED.
And thanks for coming down. You and Orman were phenomenal at the conference.
Scott, I want everyone who listens to your podcast to know that at the University of Texas Health Sciences CTR at Houston, which staffs Memorial Hermann (the largest trauma ctr in the United States) and LBJ Hospital (one of our two county hospitals in Houston), we pride ourselves on providing exemplary critical care. We have two boarded EM Critical Care physicians and five other docs who work in the ER critical care area of our county hospital. Our residents also rotate through a mandatory month long ED critical care rotation where they see and manage only the critically ill patients… Read more »
Dear sir, these past several months of listening to your podcasts have been some of the greatest learning events I’ve ever encountered in 25 years of EMS and EMS education. I listened to ‘What is Critical Care” 3X today before teaching PALS to a class of residents. I think this was a grand slam on your part and need now to sit with it and a notepad to dissect and metabolize your words. So much I’d like to say but I’ll respect your time.
Steve in NJ – Paramedic and Resuscitationist
Thanks brother!
Thank you for the nursing shout-out! I love your podcast!!
Fantastic Podcast like Cliff Reed said, in the UK we need more inspirational stuff to encourage more EM docs, this is exactly the stuff I needed to hear in med school. I’m spreading the EMCRIT word in the UK!
EM Doc
thanks brother
After so many days i’ve read such an amazing
Article, you for sharing this information.