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Scott Weingart, MD FCCM. Which Airway Mannequin for Resuscitationists?. EMCrit Blog. Published on April 11, 2014. Accessed on September 8th 2024. Available at [ ].
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The course director, Dr. Scott D. Weingart MD FCCM, reports no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. This episode’s speaker(s) report no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies unless listed above.
CME Review
Original Release: April 11, 2014
Date of Most Recent Review: Jul 1, 2024
Termination Date: Jul 1, 2027
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Trucorp…advanced trauma is better with the most realistic airway than most cheaper models that exist. Just with their esophagus was developed better to allow for the mistakened esophageal intubations that will occur with airway personnel. At least better than Laerdal..mannequins. Most educators short change themselves to buy more crappy..mannequins to teach more of the masses. Just my opinion as an airway educator at my shop. The most difficult airway mannequin that exists is the Airway Larry. Leathery prominent tongue with a very anterior airway. I challenge anyone with a video laryngoscope..or regular direct laryngoscope blade to tell me different.
Jose-have you tried Minh’s. I’ve not tried either. Nasco offers free trial–why don’t you request one and do a head-to-head and let us know.
I am intersted in the “Why?” here. Could MInh comment on what aspects of this task trainer make it superior to Laerdal’s Deluxe Difficult or Guamard’s Advanced Airway Trainers?
thanks for question ,James There are many airway trainers for sale. When setting up a prehosp airway course a few years ago , I researched a lot of them based on cost, fidelity, capacity to improvise difficulty airways, durability, portability, ability to practice all emergency airway techniques. My conclusion after my research was pretty much all airway trainers were poor fidelity regardless of cost. They simulated difficult airways crudely, either by tongue inflation or restricting neck movement. only a few were designed to practice all airway techniques inc surgical awy. I realise now on talking to other airway obsessed educators… Read more »
for the record, I have no financial disclosures to declare in regard to Nasco
To clarify on this topic: 1. Most mannequins will NOT seal an SGA adequately to permit simulation of proper ventilation techniques. They all seal partially, which induces the student to use excessively high flow rates (i.e., squeezing the BVM hard and fast to get the lungs to inflate). How do you get the positive feedback of ventilating the mannequin in these cases? You overdo the ventilation flow rate. Out of the 4 (store bought) mannequins I own, only the CPRalene will seal sufficiently to a SGA (an iGel size 4). That mannequin is a pretty hard DL by the way,… Read more »
I like them all. any trainer model is better then no model at all. Each service needs to analyze their specific needs and money situation. I do agree the more portable the better. My name is Jim Romano. I’m a Fire Captain/Paramedic and EMS Training Officer for the Olathe Fire Department.
Looking at buying new airway manikins for our Simulation Centre in Canada. Largest group of users here are medical students learning to manage airways for the first time. We have several Nasco/lifeform Advanced Airway Larry trainers that aren’t holding up very well (lots of torn airways). We’d like to try something new and the front runner right now seems to be the Laerdal Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer. Most of our users are leaning towards this because it is the easiest airway to place an Et into (best for beginners?). Also, the students must be able to BVM ventilate the manikins… Read more »